Meet your hosts
Holly and Harley first met in the world of professional hot girls, under a mist of cheap body spray backlit in neon lights. Though real life took them in different directions they continued to cross paths. They slipped past each other in the halls of Hogwarts, wished each other Happy Hunger Games and travelled there and back again in search of dragon treasure.
But it was hot girl world that brought them back together IRL and this time they held on.
Bimbo Book Club started as a joke about how many men are shocked that they have a brain. But they continued to have interesting conversations about books and they realised this idea didn't want to die. They decided to bring it to life instead.
Bimbo Book Club is, at face value, an excuse to talk about what we’re reading. Beyond that it's a refusal to choose between boobs and brains. But most of all it’s a celebration of our friendship at its silliest, smartest, stupidest and its sexiest.
It is also an invitation to step outside your world and adventure across the pages of the stories we’re reading …
Holly Harlot
Holly puts the MILF in mum friend. She’s the girl you call when you need someone to give you good advice, cheer you on after you’ve completed a goal … or when that one shot too many has caught up with you (even if she was the one who gave it to you in the first place). That said, she will charge you extra to call her mummy.Like many others, Harry Potter sparked her love of reading, and years later, with a literature degree under her belt, Holly's love affair with reading is still going strong. Mixing it up with a wide variety of eclectic reads, she's eternally on the hunt for the one true shadow demon to be her ultimate fictional crush.
When she’s not disappearing into paper bound universes she’s often found exploring Melbourne or making some pretty impressive pole moves look easy.
Harley Sinn
While Harley is deeply loyal to the people she loves she delights in being a professional menace - bonus points when people mistake her for the sweet one. Quick witted, sassy and quick with a comeback she is under it all someone who cares about making people feel welcome and puts a great deal of energy into ensuring the people around her are having a good time.She grew up in a family who loved words and was expected to know the difference between poetic pacing and Shakespeare before reaching high school. She’s always been a sucker for a good tale though and, while she spent an inordinate amount of time looking for Narnia at a young age she doesn’t remember ever not reading.
Thankfully Harley’s voracious appetite for stories works perfectly with her second job spoiling her hound, and our silent cohost, Peanut.