Episode 16: Mexican Gothic

This week we’re reading Mexican Gothic by Silva Moreno-Garcia.


We’re talking gothic pacing, archetypes and the dollar princesses that inspired them. We’re talking the challenges of a well explored genre and the ways that they’re nailed in this story.


We’re also talking eugenics, keeping it in the family and the blurry lines between fantasy and reality (especially when shrooms get involved).


Harley is thrilled at the decision to split the anaemic lead and the girl who has enough character to save the day. Holly demonstrates her gothic literature knowledge with an in depth comparison to The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allan Poe.


Dracula by Bram Stoker, Frankenstein by Mary Shelly and Wilkie Collins also get a mention.

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Episode 17: Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow


Episode 15: The Dressmaker